Dundarave Show and Ride

Porsche is a special kind of automaker. I needed to mature before I fell in love with the brand because I realize now why the design has remained so restrained for decades.

Unlike other manufacturers who give their cars major facelifts every few years, a Porsche seems to organically evolve over time. Porsche isn't the girl who picks up every new fashion trend that comes along but instead stays true to her functional and elegant design throughout the ages. This is what gives Porsche the most confident design language amongst all auto manufacturers. The purposeful design minimizes all arbitrary components - for example, the headlamps have always been round for one simple reason, that's just the most efficient and effective shape for illumination. The shape and silhouette aren't overpowering, which allows the driver to express themselves in the car as opposed to trying to live up to some grandiose design. I can go on and on, but once you get Porsches, you understand. And there's no going back.

If you too have a love for these machines, there was no better place to be on Father's Day morning than the 8th annual Dundarave Show and Ride. All funds collected from the charity event go towards medical research in hopes of discovering a cure for cystic fibrosis.

Throughout the years the shape has gone through a natural evolution to arrive at one of the latest to come out of Stuttgart Germany, the new Porsche Cayman. A critically acclaimed driving experience and design awaiting those fortunate enough to indulge.


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